


My special girl. I found Blackie in the sewage that was flowing down a drainpipe behind a restaurant. At first I thought it was a rat, but moving closer I saw it was a very small kitten. I sat on the dirty pavement and hoped and waited for her to come to me. When she finally did, I picked her up. She must have weighed only ounces and was covered in oil and full of fleas. Looking around for other cats/kittens, I saw none. I wrapped her in my jacket and took her home, unsure of what to do next. I was living in a small one- bedroom apartment and already had 2 cats. Having a 3rd was out of the question. I called friends and unfortunately none were able to take her in. I bathed her and fed her that night and took her to the veterinarian the next day for a check up. They said she was apx. 2 weeks old, was deaf, and due to her being a black cat, I was not able to give her to a shelter to be placed for adoption because it was October. (Apparently many shelters don’t adopt out black cats during October for fear that the felines will meet a grisly end in a satanic ritual). So, with no other option, I was to foster her until November. The next few weeks were trying, as Chloe and Ripley were not fond of her in the beginning. I resorted to taking her to work and everywhere I went. By the time November came, she was already part of the family. No way was I going to give up this baby girl. Although she is still small in stature, she has the biggest heart.