KittySmart® is a feline products company dedicated to the unique needs of cats and their owners.
About Us
A few words from the founder
I have always loved animals my whole life, and cats definitely top my list of my most favorite pets. I presently have four cats: Chloe, Ripley, Rose and Blackie; all whom I have rescued and whom I love dearly, and YES, they are my babies.
Although they are absolutely adorable, and each one with its own distinct personality, they all shared one thing in common; they would constantly scratch and tear at my carpet at the doorways in my home anytime I needed to close the door. This behavior affected the carpet in every bedroom in my home! As you probably are already well aware, cats generally don’t like to be closed in or out of a room due to their free roaming nature, and mine sure let me know they didn’t approve of it!
Frustrated and embarrassed how my damaged carpet looked, and having spent thousands of dollars in carpet replacement, I was determined to come up with a solution to the problem. I could not find any products on the market that would help, and declawing was absolutely out of the question as I am strongly opposed to this cruel practice!
I began to discuss the problem with family, friends and co-workers who were cat owners, and they all seemed to share the same problem. Being involved in real estate at the time, I was amazed at how many carpeted homes had evidence of cat-scratched carpets, exactly at the doorways.
I set out with a passionate commitment to develop a device that would solve the problem immediately, not only for myself but for others, while being safe for both cats and carpets. Over the course of time and after extensive testing, the birth of my problem-solving idea eventually transitioned to the CarPET Scratch Stopper®.
I am excited to share my story with you. It has not only stopped my own cats from scratching my carpets; millions of Americans are affected by this problem. Educating other cat owners of this tool will not only help people save thousands of dollars in carpet replacement, but more importantly, it may help prevent an overwhelming number of cats from being declawed. Or far worse; being abandoned, dropped off at the pound, or possibly being euthanized.
Do you have a CarPET Scratch Stopper success story you would like to share? I would love to hear from you! Click here

We donate to honorable causes such as ASPCA, Best Friends and The Paw Project.
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Meet my cats
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The Matriarch. Looking to adopt a kitten, I went to the local animal shelter. Before I went through the doors, there was a cat in a cage outside. The worker said that this was the cat’s last day since she had already been there for a week with no luck in finding a home. I asked to see her, and as soon as I picked her up, she put her skinny arms around my neck and hugged me. My heart was hers. I adopted her that day and am grateful for her loving presence in our home.
Rose was an abandoned neighborhood cat. I had noticed that after we used the bbq, we would see her licking the pavement under the grill. After seeing this a few times, I decided to leave her some food on my bench in our backyard rose garden. I did this routine until one day she let me sit with her. From then on, she showed up at the back door daily, and seeing her sad little face, I decided yet again to adopt another kid. I named her Rose because that is where we would meet, in the rose garden. She is extremely playful and keeps the older cats on their toes.
My special girl. I found Blackie in the sewage that was flowing down a drainpipe behind a restaurant. At first I thought it was a rat, but moving closer I saw it was a very small kitten. I sat on the dirty pavement and hoped and waited for her to come to me. When she finally did, I picked her up. She must have weighed only ounces and was covered in oil and full of fleas. Looking around for other cats/kittens, I saw none. I wrapped her in my jacket and took her home, unsure of what to do next. I was living in a small one- bedroom apartment and already had 2 cats. Having a 3rd was out of the question. I called friends and unfortunately none were able to take her in. I bathed her and fed her that night and took her to the veterinarian the next day for a check up. They said she was apx. 2 weeks old, was deaf, and due to her being a black cat, I was not able to give her to a shelter to be placed for adoption because it was October. (Apparently many shelters don’t adopt out black cats during October for fear that the felines will meet a grisly end in a satanic ritual). So, with no other option, I was to foster her until November. The next few weeks were trying, as Chloe and Ripley were not fond of her in the beginning. I resorted to taking her to work and everywhere I went. By the time November came, she was already part of the family. No way was I going to give up this baby girl. Although she is still small in stature, she has the biggest heart.